Hair, Skin, And Nails Product Buyer’s Guide (updated May 2024)

How To Find A Hair, Skin, And Nail Product That Really Works!

  Sally Harper
  Senior Editor
  Health & Wellness Advice

Maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails is a top priority for many people, and rightfully so. Not only does the appearance of our hair, skin and nails affect our self esteem, but their health also reflects our overall well-being. When issues start popping up with our hair, skin, or nails, it usually means that our body is lacking in one or more important nutrients. Getting all the necessary nutrients through diet alone can be challenging, so many people turn to natural supplements.

As the popular trend of taking supplements to improve hair, skin, and nails takes off, manufacturers are crawling out of the woodwork to create their version that they claim is the best or the most effective on the market. They may even manipulate facts so that they can claim their product is the #1 consumer choice when in fact, this is far from the truth.

These wild claims are often not backed up with scientific support, and contain no real explanations as to why the manufacturers have formulated their version of a hair, skin, and nail product in the way that they have or how exactly they work!  

It can be beyond confusing for consumers, often left not knowing which products are worth buying and which are worthless fakes. We felt it was time to carefully examine some of the products available, to discover more about which ones may be telling the truth and which you would do better to stay away from.

5 Things To Look For In An Effective Hair, Skin, And Nail Supplement

  • It should contain 1000 mcg of Biotin and 200 mcg Folate for stimulating keratin production and improving blood flow to the hair, skin, and nails.
  • It should contain Marine Collagen and Sodium Hyaluronate to reduce aging of the skin and increase elasticity and hydration.
  • It should contain Vitamins A, C, and E for protecting the skin from environmental damage and fighting free radicals.
  • It should contain Iron and Silica to nourish and strengthen the hair, skin, and nails.
  • It should contain BioPerine® which increases the bioavailability of the other ingredients, thereby enhancing their benefits.

What We Uncovered

With a little research, we were able to spot those that were out there to cash in on the latest trend versus the products that we consider to be high-quality and effective.

  1. In short, many of the hair, skin, and nail supplements we reviewed do not contain ingredients that have been shown to get great results, nor do they have any scientific or clinical support.
  2. Moreover, they often include unnecessary ingredients by adding a proprietary blend that provides no benefit whatsoever. Some formulas do not contain the same potency as they claim on their labels with many companies even hiding their labels or supplement facts to prevent consumers from better understanding what is contained in the formulas.

Some companies think that sticking a label on their bottle with the words, ‘Hair, Skin, And Nail Supplement’ is enough to make consumers want to buy their product, even if there is no justification for why the product should work. Unfortunately, many consumers fall for this scheme and are later disappointed by a lack of results.

Our Research

Our research identified key areas that we felt raised concerns when purchasing a hair, skin, and nail supplement. With so many products out there, we felt that we needed clear parameters in terms of what to look out for when investing in a hair, skin, and nail product.

  • Will it be effective? This is perhaps the main concern for consumers. After all, why waste your money on something that is useless? To determine which products we could rate as beneficial, we looked to see if they contained the correct ingredients, how potent they were, and their grade of purity. Consumers need to be aware that there is a precise science to creating an effective formula.
  • Will it be too expensive for me to purchase? Our research uncovered many manufacturers selling hair, skin, and nails products for $100 and more. People often think that by paying more, they will get better quality. This is not always the case. Don’t risk your hard-earned money on something that has a price which is over inflated and unrealistic. 
  • Is the company open and transparent? Manufacturers should be transparent and open, providing you with as much information and guidance as they can. You need to be consumer savvy in order to determine which are the best manufacturers to purchase products from and which are not worth your while.

Finding High-Quality Hair, Skin, And Nail Supplements

There are several key elements to look out for that can pretty much guarantee a product’s authenticity.

  1. Monitoring By A Third Party: There are organizations that will independently monitor and track the reputation of a company and assess their customer satisfaction levels. A company’s reputation is incredibly important within the health industry, make sure you select a top provider, one that has an impeccable reputation and one that is backed by an independent third-party monitoring organization.
  2. 100% Money-Back Guarantee: Many companies offer you a money-back guarantee if their products do not bring the results that you are looking for. Some are better than others. Choose a company that has a solid satisfaction guarantee. A strong guarantee demonstrates the confidence that manufacturers have that their products will deliver the desired results.
  3. External Testing: This is not the same as a monitoring company. Third-party testing substantiates and verifies the quality of the manufacturer’s product. It can be very expensive for manufacturers to undertake and even disqualify entire shipments of products that don’t reach the correct standards. That being said, when manufacturers don’t have independent quality control and testing, there is no way of knowing if their products are effective, or even safe.

Our Research Results

An effective hair, skin, and nail supplement should contain top-quality, clinically-proven ingredients in significantly potent doses for optimal effect. There are significant vitamins, minerals and other compounds that can protect and strengthen hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamins A, C, and E help to protect the skin from environmental damage. Hydrolyzed Collagen and Sodium Hyaluronate nourish the skin to promote elasticity and hydration for firmer, younger looking skin. B Vitamins, particularly Biotin and Folate, are highly beneficial for hair, skin, and nails, and can help stimulate Keratin production and support blood supply to the hair, skin, and nails. Additionally, minerals like Iron and Silica can help prevent brittle hair and nails. In addition, we looked for a thermogenic enhancer, such as BioPerine®, to increase the absorption of the nutrients which further boosts the health and appearance of hair, skin, and nails.

Most products failed to pass our specific criteria.

There are some manufacturers who actually include some good ingredients in their formulas, but consequently fail when they weaken the potency by adding an unnecessary blend of useless ingredients. Other manufacturers simply failed by using a weaker potency of certain ingredients than what has been proven effective in scientific studies. Others filled their pills with binders, additives, or preservatives. Many of them didn’t even bother with quality control testing.

We are very confident in the brands that we did pick. Given our stringent parameters and reasons for choosing our top products, we are sure our top picks will help you achieve the results you are looking for.

Why Did We Select Our #1 Choice As Our Top Hair, Skin, And Nail Product?

Our top pick not only met all of our strict criteria for a quality hair, skin, and nail supplement, but it also surpassed them!

Look at what it contains:

  • B-Sci™ – a full spectrum Vitamin B complex including 1000 mg Biotin and 200 mcg Folate – most do not have this.
  • Vitamins A, C, and E – most do not include all three in their formula.
  • Iron, Zinc, Copper, and Silica – the majority of products do not even include Iron and Silica in their formula, let alone these other beneficial minerals.
  • Marine Collagen Peptides – most do not contain collagen at all, and those that do use an inferior source, such as bovine.
  • Sodium Hyaluronate – most products don’t include this highly absorbable form of Hyaluronic Acid.
  • BioPerine® – none of the other products we reviewed added this.
  • No obscure proprietary blend with hidden ingredient quantities.

Our Top Hair, Skin, and Nail Product Choices

Our top choice stands above and beyond the competition, and we think you will agree. The company’s excellent reputation, top quality product, external independent monitoring and testing, coupled with an incredible money-back guarantee policy, makes this an undoubtably solid pick for our #1 choice.

Rating: Excellent


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Editor’s Choice

Approved Science Hair, Skin & Nails Review

If you want to nourish, protect and strengthen your hair, skin, and nails, Approved Science Hair, Skin & Nails is the product that will get you the desired results. Of all the hair, skin and nail supplements currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look and very likely, the one that will change your life!

It contains the highest quality natural ingredients in the correct dose and potency. Approved Science Hair, Skin & Nails contains B-Sci™ full-spectrum Vitamin B complex including an optimal dosage of Biotin and Folate. It also contains Vitamins A, C, and E, and essential minerals such as Iron and Silica, as well as Marine Collagen and Sodium Hyaluronate. Additionally, this product contains 5 mg BioPerine®, a patented form of Black Pepper Extract, which is specifically designed to increase the absorption of the other ingredients. Essentially, this product ticks all the right boxes for an effective hair, skin and nails formula.

Quality: Approved Science Hair, Skin & Nails contains high grade, 100% natural, clinically-proven ingredients that are GMP certified.

Reputation: Their reputation is excellent. This manufacturer has several third-party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.

Money-Back Guarantee: Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show a strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results – great news for consumers!

Additionally, they are well known in the industry and an established company that provides great customer service, secure and easy checkout, as well as prompt, efficient delivery.

Their commitment to the health industry and consumers is excellent, providing further qualification of efficacy by producing their products in an FDA-registered laboratory.

If you are looking for a product that ticks all the boxes for naturally protecting and maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails, and is from an established, reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, this is the supplement to try.

It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Approved Science Hair, Skin & Nails is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.

See the full review


Rating: Good



Reserveage Tres Beauty 3

This product checks quite a few of our boxes, such as providing Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid. However, it also contains a proprietary blend. Even if every ingredient in a proprietary blend is proven to deliver results, it has to be present in the correct amount in order to be potent enough to actually make a significant improvement upon your health. This means that the manufacturer is not obligated to disclose the amount of each ingredient in the proprietary blend. Therefore, it’s not apparent that the ingredients included will actually deliver results.

In addition to examining the ingredients, we always look for reviews of a product and a solid customer guarantee. There were generally positive reviews, so the product seems effective. Unfortunately, this product does not have a customer-satisfaction money-back guarantee which displays the manufacturer’s confidence that it is indeed an effective product. 

Click here to read the full review


Rating: OK




Inno Supps Hair + Skin + Nails

Inno Supps believes in boosting Collagen naturally, an approach we appreciate when carried out correctly. To this end, Hair + Skin + Nails contains a special Collagen-boosting blend, as well as some beneficial vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and Zinc.

However, we were unsure whether this blend can actually fulfill its purpose and give you the results you want. Additionally, the formula contains less than optimal quantities of certain ingredients, such as only 100 mcg of Biotin, while omitting other ingredients altogether. For example, we would have liked to see Vitamins A and E included. The good news is that this product comes with a 30-day customer satisfaction guarantee which shows that the manufacturer is confident that their product will satisfy consumers.

Click here to read the full review

What You’ll Discover:

Which hair, skin and nails product is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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